For over 50 years, HOPE Enterprises has transformed the lives of the underprivileged in Ethiopia. With an emphasis on individual effort and personal responsibility, HOPE works tirelessly to help Ethiopians climb from poverty to prosperity through the following series of interventions we call the Ladders of HOPE.

HOPE Enterprises began in 1971 when Jack and Evangel Smith, who were American missionaries living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, opened their home to twenty street children offering them basic needs, schooling, skill training, and love. Upon the Smith's departure from Ethiopia, a group of concerned Ethiopians began running the organization with the continued mission of leading those living on the margins of society towards self-sufficiency.
Today, HOPE Enterprises operates seven elementary schools, two high schools, numerous vocational training programs and a university college. In addition, it provides support to close to 1,500 students attending public schools.
A completely Ethiopian NGO, HOPE employs close to 400 people, with continued devotion to serving the marginalized through holistic human development guided by the Ladders of Hope.
meals served annually to youth and adults
students are enrolled in HOPE Enterprise elementary, secondary or vocational training schools
students in public schools receive support each year
students are enrolled at HOPE University College
HOPE Enterprises began in 1971 when Jack and Evangel Smith, who were American missionaries living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, opened their home to twenty street children offering them basic needs, schooling, skill training, and love. Upon the Smith's departure from Ethiopia, a group of concerned Ethiopians began running the organization with the continued mission of leading those living on the margins of society towards self-sufficiency.
Today, HOPE Enterprises operates as an Ethiopian NGO, employing close to 400 people, with continued devotion to serving the marginalized through holistic human development.

Because we know that every donation we receive has the potential to transform a life, we continuously strive to use these gifts in the most responsible manner. Many individual donors prefer to give through one of these organizations:
Woord en Daad (The Netherlands)
Hope Ethiopia, Inc (United States)
Menlo.Church (United States)
Community Presbyterian Church(United States)
Venture Christian Church(United States)
The Freedom Fund
Fitsum Bahiru Memorial foundation
China Foundation for Rural Development
​Alternatively, donations may be directly wired to HOPE Enterprises' bank account. For wire instructions, please contact us at: admin@hopeenterprises.org. or Ato Tilahun Abegaz Executive Director phone +251-113695481/ Addis Ababa Ethiopia email tilahunabegaz@yahoo.com
Audited financial statements are available upon request.
Contact Us
Head Office
Ayer Tena Jimma Road
Ato Tilahun Abegaz Executive Director
cell phone +251960606217
email tilahunabegaz@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 30153
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 11 156 0347
+251 11 157 0285
+251 11 157 0097
Field Operations
Addis Ababa Branch
P.O. Box 30153
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 11 348 2534
+251 11 348 2544 fax
Dessie Branch
P.O. Box 199
Dessie, Amhara, Ethiopia
+251 33 111 4081
+251 33 111 6344 fax
Gambella Branch
P.O. Box 204
Gambella, Ethiopia
+251 47 551 0030
+251 47 551 1051 fax
Assosa Area Project
P.O. Box 337
Asosa, Benishangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia
+251 57 771 1991
+251 57 775 1124 fax
Rift Valley Area Projects (Herrara, Roggie and Sintaro
P.O. Box 30153
Addis Ababa, Oromia, Ethiopia
+251 11 156 0346
+251 11 157 0097 fax